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411 University St, Seattle, USA

+1 -800-456-478-23

Pre-Incident Response Operation Model

The incident Response Operation Model is a set of processes and procedures that were designed to identify, manage, and mitigate cybersecurity incidents whenever they occur and to be ready to act accordingly without losing time when threats cause an impact on your organization.



We will educate your personnel with “how to” procedures by making an online or offline course.

Target Operation Model

We provide you with instructions and best practices procedure flow documentation such as.

Log availability

What kind of logs should be enabled and monitore.

IR tools

What kind of relevant tools are useful and productive while making an investigation, data correlation, memory dumps, etc.?

Public intelligence and investigation engines

What kind of public engines could be used to validate malicious activity quickly?


Types of responsibilities per employee title.

Environment ability

Types of work environments and their benefits for IR process.


Awareness of the IR procedures

Getting familiar with the processes and procedures prepares you to respond as required.

Time management

One of the most important points is how long it could take to prepare for IR and how to spread the work between departments.

Coast savings

Being ready for the IR procedure definitely saves you money.

Reduced downtime or impact

Getting your team ready and instructed for incoming incidents would save your response time and bring you faster log collection and conclusion time.