Over 10 years we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. Engitech is a values-driven technology agency dedicated.



411 University St, Seattle, USA

+1 -800-456-478-23

Red Teaming

Test Your Cyber Defense Like Never Before Is your organization prepared to fend o real cyber attackers? Let our Red Team challenge your defenses. What is Red Teaming? Red Teaming is like a fire drill for your cybersecurity. Just like a fire drill prepares you for a real fire, Red Teaming prepares you for a real cyber-attack. It’s a test where we, the Red Team, act like hackers trying to break into your systems. The goal is to see how well your Blue Team, can defend against a real threat.

TIBER - The Next Level

TIBER (Threat Intelligence Based Ethical Red-Teaming) takes Red Teaming up a notch. Here, we don’t just simulate any attack; we simulate attacks specifically designed against your organization. We study the tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) of attackers who are a real threat to you and mimic them. This provides an even more realistic and challenging test for your defenses. Ready to put your cyber defenses to the ultimate test? With our Red Team, you can make your cybersecurity stronger, smarter, and ready for anything.


Finds Weak Spots

Like a friendly hacker, Red Teaming helps find where your cybersecurity can be better.

Real Attack Practice

Your team gets to practice defending against real-life cyberattack scenarios.

Improves Defense

Helps your team get better at stopping hackers.

Tailored Challenges

Test your system with attacks designed just for your company.

Builds Confidence

Shows you can handle real cyber threats, giving you and your customers peace of mind.